What is love? Love is GIRL DAY. Lol. Let me explain.
Most of my BFFs don’t live in the same city as me, let alone the same state. Usually, that doesn’t bother an introvert like me. Scheduled facetime calls throughout a week usually are perfect for me. But sometimes, the lack of my deeply trusted inner circle around me to spontaneously grab a chai with or go on a walk with gets to me. Our friendships are filling, fruitful, fun, and the kind I prayed for, for years. A few weeks ago, I was feeling severely sorry for myself, and as I got into the car after church, I wailed.
My husband heard me through blubbering tears, and then thoughtfully looked at me before saying, “Let’s have girl day!” I don’t know if it was him saying “girl day” or the genuine emotion in his eyes, but I BURST out laughing (yay endorphins!). Did we have “girl day”? Not exactly but we did grab P-Terry’s, vacuum seal several bags (He’s not sure why that’s my definition of fun), and set up most of swirl girl’s nursery.
The troll that I am, I wanted to see how far I could stretch this. So, I asked him to watch the Kardashians finale with me that night. He said, “…if that’s what you want!” We read instead (I’m not so cruel) and I went to bed with a thankful heart. It wasn’t exactly the outcome I was expecting, but now there’s another treasured memory to think of when I think of two becoming one in marriage. Stepping up when your partner is down. Making empathy more than a feeling.
My challenge for you this week, don’t stop at empathy…translate that into action.📷: @allisonturpenphoto