Making adult friendships can be HARD, especially when we have many limitations (often self-inflicted) holding us back. I mean, I look at my toddler, who makes friends wherever she goes, and I know she doesn't care about...
Dating during the pandemic has been iiiinteresting! We see a lot of each other, but it’s not necessarily quality time. It’s usually filled with work, babies, work, and babies. Oh, and Netflix. A large amount of Netflix....
One has a baby in heaven.⠀
One has a baby on the way.⠀
One breastfeeds.⠀
One bottle feeds.⠀
One baby naps more.⠀
One baby sleeps through the night more.⠀
One had an unmedicated birth.⠀
One had an epidural.⠀
One baby is teething.⠀
One baby is crawling....
There are so many Mother's Day gift guides out there, but these 25 gift ideas for Mother's Day are fashionable, edgy, creative, and colorful. Many of these brands are small businesses as well because hello, I love...
Let’s talk about the mental health benefits of counseling. When I was 8 months pregnant with #myswirlgirl, I had the worst cyberbullying experience I’ve ever had. Someone anonymously sent me screenshots of what was being said, and...