[No. 93] Love Is Real Mom Friends.
One has a baby in heaven.⠀
One has a baby on the way.⠀
One breastfeeds.⠀
One bottle feeds.⠀
One baby naps more.⠀
One baby sleeps through the night more.⠀
One had an unmedicated birth.⠀
One had an epidural.⠀
One baby is teething.⠀
One baby is crawling....
[No. 74] Stop Saying That You Are Colorblind Or That You Don’t See Color
I’ve heard two phrases a lot lately. The first one is, “I don’t see color” and the second one is, “I am colorblind.” I want, in love, to make sure people know neither is appropriate. I get...
[No. 73] Love Is Translating Empathy Into Action
What is love? Love is GIRL DAY. Lol. Let me explain.
Most of my BFFs don’t live in the same city as me, let alone the same state. Usually, that doesn’t bother an introvert like me. Scheduled facetime...
[No. 72] Love is Not a Temporary Fix
Love is not a temporary fix. Don’t believe me? Let me tell you about the time I dated an atheist.
I was not in the healthiest place in my faith/life because of a breakup that left me reeling....
[No.67] Love Is Thoughtful
What is love? Love is thoughtful.
A few weeks ago, one of my best friends who’s getting married stayed with us and we, of course, got to chatting. In between wedding chatter, she asked me how work was...