Let’s talk about the mental health benefits of counseling. When I was 8 months pregnant with #myswirlgirl, I had the worst cyberbullying experience I’ve ever had. Someone anonymously sent me screenshots of what was being said, and the worst part was that I knew the person cyber-bullying me.
I remember just crying and cradling my belly, asking God to protect me & #myswirlgirl from the negativity. After talking and praying with hubby that day, I realized that this was something I needed to confront ASAP, so, I signed up for a counseling appt.
I walked in filled with thoughts that I was being high-maintenance, dumb, and emotional. I think truly, the enemy didn’t want me to find healing.
It took me some time to open up in counseling, but once the tears started, my words poured out.
My counselor intently listened, gave honest + god-fearing advice, asked thoughtful questions, and equipped me with tools to heal. And even through my snotty tears and blubbering words, I felt empowered with how empathetic, equipped, and eager she was to help me.
6 months later, how am I doing with my mental health?
I have pangs of pain every now and then, but I’m not walking around with a festering wound. My heart is at a place where I can pray peace over this person and that they’d know God’s overwhelming love. I’m SO thankful I didn’t have to dwell on this situation as a brand new mom thanks to counseling.
Mental health runs your day and your night y’all. It affects your body, feelings, relationships, humor, everything! It’s not some extravagant expense or you needing to toughen up.
Sure, your friends and your loved ones love you. But they are also not equipped to handle ALL of the things that come hurling at you in this life.
If you’re someone who is completely relying on your friends (been there) or keeping things inside (been there), I highly recommend seeing a counselor. I know that at least in the Asian community, we just DO NOT talk enough about this.
The only way to break the stigma around counseling is to create more conversations, so here we are. ❤️