One has a baby in heaven.⠀
One has a baby on the way.⠀
One breastfeeds.⠀
One bottle feeds.⠀
One baby naps more.⠀
One baby sleeps through the night more.⠀
One had an unmedicated birth.⠀
One had an epidural.⠀
One baby is teething.⠀
One baby is crawling. ⠀
One uses her carrier more.⠀
One uses her stroller more.⠀
Both moms love their kids.⠀
Both moms respect the way the other chooses to do things.⠀
Both moms say no to comparison.⠀
Both moms treasure their friendship.⠀
Momming is hard enough without the world telling you “DO IT THIS WAY” but real mom friends who let you freely express your wins & anxieties without judgment are true treasures! Have you told your real mom friends how thankful you are for them today?