Who here wears makeup? Yup, probably 99% of us. Makeup is something we use allll the time, but we don’t realize that most makeup has all sorts of terrible ingredients in it. Do you think I'm exaggerating?...
For January’s Small Business Saturday, I want to introduce you guys to Pamela Metamorphosis, a Denver based, cruelty-free, skincare brand that genuinely helps your skin be the best it can be. Before I dive into Pamela Metamorphosis...
Date night is one of my favorite nights ever! It gives hubby and I the chance to reconnect after our long weeks. It also helps us try new restaurants around town. Most importantly, it forces me to...
For the longest time, every single flight I took resulted in my face breaking out. And honestly, I like souvenirs from cities that aren’t on my face. I’d get on the flight with clear skin ready to...
Okay real life scenario - You can sleep in for thirty more minutes and have only five-ten minutes for your makeup or you can get up right now. What do you do?
I always go for the extra sleep....