So it’s that time of year when grocery stores start selling roses on the daily and boxed chocolates are everywhere! Maybe you’ve completely forgotten about it, but it’s soon to be Valentines Day! My favorite day of the year actually. Even if you aren’t celebrating Valentine’s Day with a significant other, you definitely can take advantage of Galentine’s Day!
Love with friends, love with hubby, love with puppy, love-love-love! It doesn’t matter what you choose to celebrate, but let it be filled with love! There is so much love to go around and you can make that day a great one with anybody you love!
- Write your friends cards explaining why you love them. Try to make it all fit on one card haha.
- Bring your friends flowers. Fresh flowers are so good for the soul!
- Host a Galentine’s Day brunch. Peach Bellini’s, waffles, avocado, ooh lala.
- Go get Valentine’s Day drinks with your friends. Maybe it’s a beer, maybe it’s a milkshake. Depends what kind of gal you are.
- Serve with your friends and help others out. There is nothing like serving people who need help more than you do.
- Write cards, buy a couple boxes of chocolate, and hand them out to people you see on the street who seem forgotten.
- Stop saying things like “Singles Awareness Day” LOL. St. Valentine wasn’t married so…you don’t need to be married to celebrate love!
- Facetime your parents! Seriously. They would love that.
- If you are someone who verbally supports refugees but hasn’t found a way to support them in action, take a look at the link below to spread some love.
- Make a mason jar filled with paper pieces of encouragement for your friend.
- Order cookies for that special friend.
- Buy yourself a box of chocolate and enjoy every single piece. I guess you could share if you wanted to. 😀
- Schedule manicures/pedicures for you and your bestie, and maybe even treat her!
- Start with a girl’s night out on the town and end with a classic slumber party.
- Wake up and go on a long run with your friend. Start off your Valentine’s Day with endorphins!
- PROUDLY WEAR PINK. Who cares what the haters think?!
- Get yourself a giant fuzzy bear that you always wish someone bought you.
- Host a red/white wine tasting night. Ask everyone to wear red or white too!
- Host a bada$$ dance party. That is all.
- Invite your friends to a fancy-schmancy potluck dinner to let everyone show off their cooking skills.
- SPA DAY! Always a good time. You can find good deals on Groupon ladies!
- Get in the car, book a hotel deal, and explore the next city over! I mean why not?
- Make a music video with your girlfriends to a classic nineties hit.
- Speaking of music, book a room at your local karaoke bar! There is nothing like karaoke with your girlfriends. Bring out those high pitched shrieks to Britney Spears and ridiculous snorts to Nickelback.
- Buy breakfast and coffee for your roommates. Einstein’s bagels are always a good idea.

Do you have any ideas to add to the Galentine’s Day list? Comment below lovelies!