Reaction to Our Next President: What to do about Trump? or Clinton?

Twenty-four years ago when George H.W. Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton, he wrote Clinton a letter. The best part of the letter was the end: “Your success is now our country’s success,” he added. “I am rooting hard for you.” The letter passed encouragement and unity to the new president and was a display of amazing dignity. When George W. Bush left office and Obama won the seat, they were both friendly, their families were friendly, and Bush gave Obama sage advice on the importance of trusting himself. Can you imagine anything like that happening in this election?

Trump is consistent in saying he will ask for a recount if he does not win. Hillary was conveniently found not guilty of all charges the day before the election. Debates were filled with insults instead of information. Trump’s comments on most women were horrible. Hillary’s actions toward certain women were horrible. Some people are voting for Hillary just because she’s a woman. Some people are voting for Trump just because he’s a man. We are the laughing stock of other nations. More than two BILLION dollars were spent on the campaigns of the final two candidates, with Hillary spending almost twice as much as Trump. Above all, the country is more divided than ever before.

All that aside, we will have a new president very soon, and that is a fact. That is not up for debate. We will have to address that person as “President,” and he or she will live at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. We will see that person on every news channel and outlet, and for the next four years that will be our truth. So what’s the right reaction here?

Acceptance. If you didn’t vote, you most definitely do not get to complain. If you did vote, you still do not get to complain, because guess what? You live in a democratic republic, and that’s how a democratic republic works—you win some, you lose some.

Hope. Four years is a smidgeon in the reality of eternity. No matter how dark situations become, four years from now, we will have a new president. I believe 100 percent that neither candidate will be reelected in four years.

Patriotism. The common goal between you and the president is the betterment of America. Hopefully that’s what it is. America isn’t reality television, and it isn’t a superpower for nothing. Remember our roots and be one of the few who share light instead of fire.

Action. Voters sit on their butts and then get up in arms when people they’re not keen on take powerful political positions. If you want change, promote that. Become an advocate for what you care about instead of assuming your Twitter retweets or Facebook likes do anything.

It is easier to complain about the situations in this world than it is to pray about them. If you don’t pray, you’re still not exempt from the no-complaining rule. Nobody needs more negative energy in the world. If this election is really pushing you to your limits or stopping you from living the life you want to lead, I’d ask why? Why are you so incensed? Have you put your hope in this person? Does your identity have any tie at all with being a Republican or a Democrat? At the end of the day, I will not riot, rise in anger, or rant about our new president. I hope you can join me in that.

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