What is love? Love is fighting well and conflict resolution.
Every single person grows up seeing conflict resolved a little differently. My husband and I dated for four years and we fought …a lot. A couple years into...
What is love? Love is checking in.
A group of friends and I were chatting about something random, and then one of us asked the other, “How are you?” What we didn’t expect was for her to get...
What is love? Love is finding healthy adult friendships.
Whew. These are rare to find, and tough to be. Suddenly, you’re not making friends out of convenience like being in school or growing up together. Suddenly, you really...
What is love? Love is healthy.
The world unhealthily keeps telling us “Do what makes you happy,” "How can this friend benefit me,"
“No more spark,” “Try it before you buy it,” “Out with the old and in with...
Love is not only for those like you. America, the Melting Pot, is known for her incredible diversity. But if I'm honest, a lot of people I’ve seen, stick to people just like them. Same culture, same...