Do Not Judge or You Too Will Be Judged – Matthew 7:1-2

Have you ever heard of the phrase snap judgement?
Well, it’s a real thing. I was reading today about how our brain judges
how trustworthy a person is in milliseconds of meeting them.
Even before we process fully what they look like.
How insane is that?

We actually in our brains judge people quicker than an introduction of names.
So it’s really hard to abide by the verse,

Judge not, that you be not judged.
For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged,
and with the measure you use it will be measured to you
Matthew 7:1-2

Since we’ve moved back to Austin, I’ve tried to keep an open mind with all the people we are meeting.
But I automatically assume sometimes that they aren’t worth the investment of friendship, that we won’t get along, or that I’ve changed “too much.” Like how judgmental can I be?!
Keeping an open mind is hard, pretty much impossible. 

But the good news is that snap judgments are something we can train our minds to recognize
and pray through why our brains even think the way they do.
Jesus wants us all to realize that we cannot know the motivations of someone’s heart.
When we are unfairly harsh or bitingly critical in our judgment of others,
we are setting the standard by which God will judge us.

I don’t know about you, but that sobers me up real quick.
My prayer for this week and for all of us is that we leave unfair assessment
and unreasonable judgement at the door.
Who knows what will happen then?

thehonestshruth signature 

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