[No. 23] Love Is Just …and MLK Jr. Knew That

Love is just.
Dr. Martin Luther King knew that every man and woman
deserved to be treated with equality & love.
He preached against the satanic evil of racism and hate in the US
with consistent love, truth, and fervor.
His work, 50+ years ago, changed my life & millions of others.
Thanks to his powerful influence in the civil rights movement,
a love like ours isn’t punished because of the colors of our skin.
I will never take it for granted, and never stop fighting racism.

Thank you, Dr. King, for speaking out in spite of the persecution you faced.
Thank you for winning hearts with compassion and not violence.
MLK day isn’t just a holiday for a day off.
Today we celebrate all that has been accomplished.
Today is also a reminder for all that remains to be done.
Too many think that racial inequality is no longer prevalent,
but just open your eyes!
It’s everywhere.
On this day, we should remember for what MLK spent his life advocating,
the price he paid, the results of his work,
and ways to keep fighting peacefully for the equality of every man, woman, and child.
If you get a chance, listen to one of his speeches today…his words still ring true.
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” -MLK Jr.

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Interested in reading more?

Love Is Seeking Harmony      Love Is Fighting With Respect     Love Is Giving Generously

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